The Flood

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The Flood is the name goven to the catastrophic event that led to the sinking of much of the landmass of Atlantis, continental drift, the birth of King Triton and the conversion of all living humans and animals into merpeople and meranimals.

Before the Flood[edit | edit source]

An estimated fifty years before the Flood, what eventually came to be Triton's parents were born. They were born ckose to the sea, and had a passion for it. Back then, there was a divide between life abive and below the surface, as the humans and animals above it would drown underwater.

About a decade before the Flood, prophets said that, if the parents would give birth to their child, life on Atlantis would change.

The Flood itself[edit | edit source]

A few months before the flood, the first signs of Triton's upcoming birth were evident. Furthermore, these were also the first signs of the prophetic flood. Eventually, Triton was born (1 January 0) and Atlantis changed within hours. The first sign of a change was his appearance: never before there was a merperson, and the supposed offspring was a muscilated man of a certain age, who instead of having legs like everyone else, had a fish's tail, in blue. He also gathered a trident, his weapon, and once he had his trident in hand, continental drift occurred, the properties of the Atlantean soil changed, all humans became merpeople and all animals, even the ones found underwater, became meranimals. Three quarters of the Atlantean surface sunk so that the merpeople could take advantage of it.

The people in the surviving landmasses suffered for hours, believing that they were all dead, but they weren't aware that, due to a change in natural properties, waterish properties were spread through the air, allowing people to breathe both above and below the surface. Surface life was still as it was until then, however people were initially in a shocking state when they had realized that they all became merpeople. Few ethnic groups and languages survived - or would they?

Rememberance[edit | edit source]

In recent centuries, due to the fact that more and more people are satisfied with their mermaid lives, the Flood is barely remarked upon at all.