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Pemhakamik is the northernmost country in the Surface and the fourth largest, with most of its merman population concentrated in the far south.

History[edit | edit source]

Before the Flood[edit | edit source]

In the decades before the Flood, the soil of Pemhakamik was already inhabited by a low amount of humans and many wild animals, inclusing countless species of bears.

The Flood and the years that followed[edit | edit source]

Pemhakamik was largely covered by mountains, and they managed to stay afloat following Triton's birth. Just like all lifeforms on Atlantis, they all became merpeople and meranimals.

In the first few years, merpeople seemes to move better while meranimals, especially merbears, were suffering. Some were hibernating, but it felt like the period was quicker than they expected and noticed that they now had mermaid tails.

Climate[edit | edit source]

Due to it being far north, Pemhakamik has a colder climate than other parts of the surface.